Thursday, November 12, 2009

Veteran's Day Parade 2009

This was one of the soldier's in our 2009 Veteran's Day parade. The far right - is Dylan marching with his ROTC group in the parade. I BARELY got him in the picture! It was a proud moment for me!
This is Dylan's ROTC color guard. He is wanting to join the color guard in the next few weeks.....

This is the ROTC inflatable guy - that actually had a guy INSIDE this costume trying to walk.. LOL!

I wish this picture would have came out more clear! I LOVED watching the jets fly over the parade.


  1. That was so nice. How proud you must be.

  2. a very proud moment. he looks so grown up!

  3. Looks like a fun parade proud mama!

  4. You must be proud. I cannot believe they had someone in that inflatable guy trying to walk. That's too funny!

  5. Ahh what a wonderful post and I agree you should be so proud!

    We love the jets too, are favorite is when the blue angels come.

  6. I love jets! Flyovers give me goosebumps. You should be so proud of your boy! We don't have ROTC anywhere in the state I don't think. Except for in college?

  7. Aww, those are some beautiful pictures and I know how proud you must be of your son!
