Monday, July 26, 2010

My little Snorkel'r!

We went to Arkansas this past weekend and took Coby to Beaver lake. If you haven't been - you really should go. The water is so blue and so clear!
And here is the little snorkel'r!This picture CRACKS me up!
Coby LOVED going under and checking out the fish!

And when he saw one....this is what we got. "one"finger coming up out of the water! Occasionally - we would get "two" fingers!
This is Coby's emotions about snorkerling! He can't WAIT to grow up and go scuba diving, like daddy!


  1. THOSE ARE GREAT PICTURES!!! Oh my he us such a cutie

  2. love those pictures!! snorkeling is so much fun!

  3. Snork-adorable! How's that!

  4. LOVE Beaver lake! Love those photos you have an incredibly beautiful family!!!! I swear if we could do a get to gether our families would be best friends we have so much in common...except i dont hunt =)

  5. awwwww.... i mean .... that kid is his thumbs up!!!!

  6. These photos are just the best!!! So adorable!

  7. Thanks for the comment about the Zumba cds I will check them out. I have heard about Zumba but never attended a class (maybe I need to give it a shot).

  8. Oops sorry I left this comment on a older post so I wanted to make sure you saw it (wink wink).

    Googling Zumba for sure. Thank you again for the sweet comment on "our story" thank you so much for taking the time to get to know me :+)

  9. So cute! Looks like he had a blast!
